Hiring Managers & Business Officers

The Talent Acquisition team manages all faculty and staff job postings and hiring. To find the Recruiter who supports your division please contact Jobs@abadiadetortoreos.com. This page is for hiring managers and information about how to create a job posting and job classifications.

Links to page:

Resources for Hiring Managers

If you are a hiring manager, please reach out to our recruiting team at jobs@abadiadetortoreos.com to set up a new job posting. After the job posting is posted in Jobas@DU, the recruiters will set up your access to the applications in PageUp. We have many resources and how-to videos regarding the hiring process at our Hiring Managers Mediaspace page.

Click Here for Hiring Manager Resources

Job Postings

Current DU employees as well as external job seekers can access public DU job postings through Jobs@DU. Additionally, current DU employees can access internal only postings by going to My4D and searching for "Internal Career Opportunities at DU". When an internal applicant submits their materials by either method, it is labeled "Internal," which lets hiring managers know that the applicant is a current DU employee.

Employee vs. Independent Contractor Classification Matrix

Proper classification of individuals is critical to appropriately process and make payments for services. Under the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other agency guidelines, DU has certain responsibilities. Independent contractor payments must be tracked for taxable income reporting on Form 1099, and employee payments are subject to employment taxes and are reportable on Form W-2. In addition, employees may be eligible for benefits. Errors in employee/non-employee classification may lead to significant fines and penalties due to lack of appropriate income reporting, tax withholding, or provision of benefits.


An employee depends on an employer for income on a continuing basis and performs services that can be controlled and supervised by DU. Additionally, any individual who has been paid on DU’s payroll in the current calendar year is treated as an employee, even if the relationship might otherwise qualify as that of an independent contractor.

Independent Contractors

An independent contractor relationship may exist when both: DU has the right to control or direct only the result of the work, and DU does not direct what will be done or how the work will be performed.

Use the Matrix below to determine which relationship is required:

Type of Engagement


Current Employee


Adjunct Faculty




Former employee performing an extension of previous work (i.e. Researcher, IT Services, Mentors, etc.)


Former Employees who are working in a different role (i.e. - D.J. Services, Caterers, Writers, Photographers, etc.)

Complete supplemental questions

Sole proprietors with own EIN (Employer Identification Number issued by the IRS)

Complete supplemental questions

Individuals with no former employee/employer relationship with DU

Complete supplemental questions

Musicians/Artists/Performers for a specific performance. Note: If these individuals are former employees, use the supplemental questions below to determine payment status.

Independent contractor

Honoraria to non-employees (i.e. - guest speakers, etc.)

Independent contractor

Separate Legal Entity (Corporations and Partnerships) with its own EIN (Employer Identification Number issued by the IRS)

Independent contractor

Limited Liability Company (LLC)- excludes sole proprietors

Independent contractor

Supplemental Questions:

Does the University retain the right to provide the individual with specific instructions regarding the performance of the task rather than only the outcome?



Does the University retain the right to set the number of hours and/or workdays of the week that the individual is required to work or where the work is to be performed?



Does the individual expect to receive University benefits such as health insurance and participation in the benefits plans?



If the answer to any of the three above questions is “Yes” the individual must be classified as an employee and paid through the payroll process.

If the answer to the above question is “No”, proceed to the next question.

Does the individual provide the same or similar service to other entities or to the public as part of a trade or business?



If the answer to the above question is “Yes”, the individual may be classified as an independent contractor. Vendor Information

If the answer to the above question is “No”, the individual must be classified as an employee and paid through the payroll process.
